
Best Momentum Indicators for MT4

Momentum is an excellent measurement to identify potential weakness in the current market trend. It also indicates if a weakness is indeed dragging the trend to slow down and eventually lead to a price reversal. Identifying a price reversal will help the trader to exit a current position profitably. Furthermore, it enables the MT4 technical trader to enter into the trend earlier with a buy or sell position and places the trader in a commanding position in that particular trade. Momentum...

Best Indicators for 5 and 15 Min Chart – Technical Forex Soft for Signals

Most of the retail forex traders are day traders. These forex traders enter and exit the market in short intervals. Of course, most of the day traders close the positions before the end of day and avoid holding positions overnight or over weekends and holidays. So, the optimal indicators for such traders should work well in the 5 and 15 min charts. The optimal trading duration of the trading positions are well within a trading session. Sometimes these trades may...

Best Oscillator Indicators for MT4

Oscillators are an important part of technical analysis. Most of the forex traders use an oscillator in one way or other in their daily trading routine. Though, the oscillators look wormy and creepy at the first sight. They provide an exciting insight about the underlying asset. Oscillators can be derived from any data source or any indicator for that matter. Primarily, they may contain histograms, oversold and overbought ranges. Though, oscillators reflect the data of an indicator. The way the...

Best Buy Sell Indicators for MT4 – Free Software

Every forex trader constantly searches for the answer for this question. Whether the market is a Buy or Sell? Which direction should I enter the market? The buy side or sell side. The answer to this question opens the door to successful forex trading. Moreover, it provides results in multiple arenas. No wonder, forex traders who find the answer to these questions will be financially sound. Though there are multiple methods to find whether the market is bullish or bearish....

Top 10 Pivot Point Indicators for MT4 – The Best of All

Pivot points are an excellent leading indicator in technical analysis. Most importantly, is based on mathematical calculation and allows no room for error due to the manual calculation of the trader. They answer the two most important questions for technical forex traders. What is the current market trend? Where are the support and resistance located? Though the heart of this MT4 indicator is to identify the pivot point that identifies the bullish or bearish market trend. The identification of the...

Top 10 Moving Average Indicator For MT4

The core of the technical analysis is to identify the trend direction. Traders globally traders use all technical tools and resources at their disposal to find answers to this question. What is the trend direction? Once the forex trader identifies the trend direction the next step is to find the best entry point and then come to the exit plan. A multitude of technical indicators and tools are already available in addition to a constant flow of new technical indicators....

Best Indicators For Day Trading – Top 10 Indicators For MT4

Forex day trading is the most popular method of retail forex trading. Institutional and long-term forex traders provide substantial volume to the forex marketplace and act as potential market movers. On the other hand, day traders include scalpers and short-term traders who open and close positions within the same day to benefit from price fluctuations. Day traders form a major part of the retail forex traders. Nowadays day trading arena is flooded with automatic trading systems or forex robots. Day...

Top 10 Trend Reversal Indicators For MT4

Most forex traders are trend traders and follow the trend using various technical indicators. Trend following is indeed the best technical trading strategy. But the problem lies in identifying the reversal of an existing trend. A trend reversal signals the beginning of a new trend in many instances, though the market may stay sideways otherwise. Most traders will agree that identifying the reversal of an existing market trend is as important as identifying the beginning of a new market trend....

The Best RSI Indicator For MT4

These are some of the best indicators to be based on the RSI and how to make the best use of them in your trading. The RSI is an indicator that has many expert and novice forex traders relying on its signals. Some use the indicator for its overbought and oversold levels. Some others use it to tell the trend. Another instance the RSI excels at is in telling currency pair momentums. These signals offer these traders useful insights into the...

The Best Divergence Indicators For MT4

Don’t miss divergences anymore. Choose from this list of the best divergence indicators to help you spot divergences on your forex chart in real-time. Divergence is a situation on the forex chart where the indicator and the price go in different directions. Examples are any of these two scenarios: The indicator has lower highs between two peaks while the price has higher highs, and vice versa The indicator has lower lows between two troughs while the price has higher lows,...

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